Opportunities to Serve
Adult Choir
Sing in the adult choir
Praise team
Sing or play an instrument
Worship Assistance
Lay reader
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you have gifts of administration or coordination, you can help those who crochet prayer shawls collect, sort and distribute them. If you like to crochet, you can help make them, too!
Altar Guild
Be a part of the teams that set up and clean up the altar for worship each week.
Food Pantry
The Board of Outreach supports a twice a month food pantry/distribution at Shepherd of the Coast. A team of at least six people will coordinate collection, storage and distribution of non-perishable food items. This is a great opportunity for those gifted in generosity, mercy, servanthood or leadership.
Contact Church Office (386)446-2481 if interested in any of these opportunities!